Manual Printing

It's likely that every business has at least five different types of manuals in their office. Although many of these manuals exist in electronic format today; there is nothing more portable than a hard copy manual to take on the road or to a job site as a reference tool.
Popular types of Manuals
Some popular types of manuals include;
- Training manuals
- Equipment manuals
- Product manuals
- Service manuals
- Marketing or Promotional manuals
- Disaster Recovery manuals
- Employee handbooks
- Cookbooks
- "How to" Guides
We produce manuals in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and binding styles. We've produced manuals in pages counts as few as 20 to as large as 1,000 or more. We'll produce as few as a single manual or as many as 1,000 at a time.
Binding Options for Manuals
We have a wide variety of binding options;
- Coil/Spiral Binding
- Perfect Binding
- Saddle stitching
- Wire O Binding
- Tape Binding
The right binding option for your particular manual may depend on a variety of considerations. We'd be happy to show you some options to choose the option that best suits the needs for your manual.
Printed Manuals; Some Additional Design Options
Printed manuals can be in black and white, color or a combination. Popular options for manuals might include;
- Index tabs to separate sections
- Pockets in the front and/or back cover
- Fold out page inserts for detailing larger illustrations